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"Daughter, Give me Your Heart" (On Titus 2:5 and Working at Home)

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What does it mean for a woman to be "working at home" (Tit. 2:5)? The answer is found in considering the context and the rest of the Bible. This text challenges our deepest commitments and where our hearts are and to whom it belongs. ...

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Leader's Response To Extended Lockdown

HBC Leader's Response To The Extended Lockdown Announced January 2021 13 January 2021 Dear Church Family Initially, I was inclined and ready to disobey the government if they would extend the lockdown on religious gatherings. I thought that to allow casinos, malls, restaurants, and other indoor places to operate was hypocritical and did not make sense. Also, lo...

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Don't Waste Your Lockdown!

Don't waste your Lockdown! 26 March 2020 By Riaan Strydom It felt like yesterday when we celebrated the New Year of 2020. The potential of the year felt limitless and we felt immortal. But who could've ever imagined that in a few months' time, people will be hoarding toilet paper for what feels like a modern apocalypse! The Coronavirus has changed the world in a few s...

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Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 1

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Interpretingthe Book of Revelation: Part 1It has been a great privilege to study and preach through the book of Revelation these past few months (You can listen to the sermonshere).Due to the nature of the series, it was not possible to go into too much detail or spend a lot of time on some of the finer points. My aim in these articles is to give some more clarity; hopeful...

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Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 2

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Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Part 2The Seven CyclesOne of the difficulties with the book of Revelation is that there are so many different interpretations. Some say that most of what John wrote was fulfilled in the first century AD (Preterist), some argue that the primary focus is the period just before Christ's second coming (Futurist), while others believe that R...

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Mission Possible

I recently readIn The Plexby Steven Levy, the subtitle declares,How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives.One of the most fascinating insights, for me anyway, was OKRs. At Google employees must submit what are known as OKRs,Objectives and Key Results. Objectives are the goals that they must set for the next quarter. These Objectives must be ambitious, and should feel ...

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Magnetic Magnification

There can be no doubt that God takes our worship of Him very seriously. Even a cursory reading of the Bible makes this abundantly clear. The whole of Leviticus, the accounts of Nadab and Abihu, Ananias and Sapphira, the pastoral epistles all confirm this. Logically this makes perfect sense, God made us, He owns and He tells us how we should approach Him. Just as there is a...

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